Zaterdag 2 januari 2016 - nieuwkomers in de eerste week van januari in de zeezendertijd

  1. beatles - i feel fine
  2. trio hellenique - ni nanai
  3. sandie shaw - how can you tell
  4. four tops - shadows of love
  5. small faces - tin soldier
  6. gun - race with the devil
  7. lou christie - she sold me magic
  8. santana - jingoloba
  9. corry & de rekels - mijn stil verdriet
  10. stephen stills - love the one you're with
  11. euson - both sides now
  12. middle of the road - sacramento
  13. oscar harris & the twinkle stars - how will you know
  14. david cassidy - rock me baby
  15. de règâhs - da's heel fijn (i feel fine)
  16. demis roussos - someday somewhere

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